
My favorite food

   All of us like to eat delicious food. There are so many tasty varieties of food.
   My favorite food is soup. It is warm and tasty and it makes you feel excellent.
   My mother cooks the best soups: vegetable soups, chicken soups, beef soups, meat ball soups and noodle soups. She adds a lot of healthy ingredients that is why her soups are very nutritious and delicious dishes.
   I like almost all kinds of soup, but one of my favorite is the chicken noodle soup. It is very tasty and it is also well known that it is the best remedy for cold and flu. I can eat it almost every day, but usually I eat it twice per week at lunch.
   The reason why I like it so much is that the chicken is from my grandparents, raised at the farm. And the noodles are made by my grandmother.
   Although I like a lot of food that tastes really well, the chicken noodle soup is my favorite one because it is made by my mother in its original and traditional way.
   For me it's not just a delicious dish, but the love and happy time spent with my family.

Exercises - My favorite food

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1. What kind of food is the favorite?
2. Who cooks the best soups?
3. Which is the favorite soup?
4. How often is chicken noodle soup eaten?
5. Where is the chicken coming from?