
Perfect holiday destination

   I like to travel and discover beautiful places. I visited a lot of countries with amazing views, but I have never visited Paris.
   I would definitely love to go to Paris, France.
   I have always dreamed to go to Paris ever since I was six years old, because I wanted to vist its symbol, the Eiffel Tower.
   Paris is the capital of France, full of beautiful architecture and museums.
   The landmarks of Paris are: the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, the Garnier Opera, the Bastille Opera and the Seine River. It is my biggest dream to visit them all.
   Paris is also known as the most romantic city in the world, and also cuisine and fashion capital.
This is the reason why Paris is the perfect holiday destination for me.

Exercises - Perfect holiday destination

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1. What place has the author never visited?
2. Since when is the author dreaming to visit Paris?
3. What is the symbol of Paris?
4. Paris is the capital of which country?
5. How is Paris also known?