Teacher's guide

The lessons included on our website are meant for students to study on their own, or as a support for English teachers.
User guide for teachers:
The lessons are organized in several parts: grammar,
practicing irregular verbs and
Each part is meant to help the student to achieve English knowledge, and below
you can find out
how you can structure your class.
Grammar is the first step and it is divided based on student's level (begginer,
intermediate and advanced). The lessons in each level are organized based on the
priority of learning.
The theory part of each lesson should be presented and explained to the student, and
there are
10 questions based on the theory part, meant to check the understanding level of the
The reading part of this website completes the process of teaching
and learning.
Texts should be read by the student to learn the right pronounciation and afterwards
each paragraph has
to be translated in the native language in order to identify and assimilate the unknown words.
As a final test for the comprehention of the text, each one has a set of 5
The process of reading, translating, assimilating unknow words and testing the comprehention
level, ensures a complete process of English improvement.
Irregular verbs are treated in an individual part as they are a significant side of English knowledge. These verbs have to be learned in the exact form they are included on the list, and there are tests divided in sets of 25 verbs.