
My busy week

   My week is very busy. I wake up every morning at 7 o'clock, I have my breakfast.
   I usually have a cup of tea and egg and bread with butter. After breakfast I go to school. My father takes me by car to school, where my classes begin at 8 o'clock.
   Every day I have 5 classes, that end at 1 o'clock when father picks me up from school.
   When I arrive home I have lunch and then I rest for an hour, and then I begin my homework. Usually the homework takes me two hours, but when I have difficult projects maybe even more.
   After homework I have extra activities.
   On Monday I have Maths, to help me better understand the lessons from school.
   On Tuesday I have German. When I grow up I want to go to college in Germany.
   On Wednesday I have piano lessons. I like music very much and taking piano lessons helps me to better understand music and to compose.
   On Thursday I go to tennis lessons. Practicing a sport helps me to be in shape and to better coordinate my body.
   On Friday I have canto lessons because music is not only about playing an instrument. I want to be an artist that sings and plays piano.
   After these activities, at 8 o'clock in the evening I have dinner with my family.
   Until I go to sleep I watch TV, I play with my dog or I read a book.
   At 10 o'clock I am very tired after such a busy day, so I fall asleep immediately.
   All these activities might seem too much, but they help me pass the time in a useful way.

Exercises - My busy week

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1. What does he drink in the morning?
2. Who takes him to school?
3. How long does the homework usually take?
4. Where does he want to go to college?
5. What does he want to become?