
The dates

Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and exercises.

Time is the part of existence that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Exercises - The dates

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  • 1) The twenty second of December nineteen eighty four = December 12th 1980 December 22nd 1984 September 25th 1994

  • 2) The tenth of January twenty-nineteen = December 6th 2020 January 1st 2009 January 10th 2019

  • 3) October 30th 1838 = The thirtyth of October eighteen thirty-eight The fourth of October twenty eighteen The thirteenth of October nineteen thirty-eight

  • 4) August 3rd 1986 = The third of August nineteen eighty-six The first of April nineteen eighty The fourth of July nineteen ninety-six

  • 5) July 4th 2020 = The third of June nineteen-nineteen The forth of July twenty-twenty The second of July twenty-nineteen

  • 6) May 14th 1998 = The forteenth of May nineteen ninety-eight The forteenth of May nineteen twenty-eight The forth of April nineteen twenty-eight

  • 7) The eighteenth of June nineteen forty-three = July 1st 1993 June 8th 1944 June 18th 1943

  • 8) The first of September two thousand one = September 11th 2011 August 21st 1991 September 1st 2001

  • 9) April 6th 2021 = The fifth of April twenty twenty The sixth of April twenty twenty-one The first of December twenty twenty-one

  • 10) The twenty-eighth of February nineteen seventy-five = July 4th 1985 February 28th 1975 July 4th 1975