The days of the week Names / Abbreviation
Day | Abbreviation |
Monday | Mon |
Tuesday | Tue |
Wednesday | Wed |
Thursday | Thu |
Friday | Fri |
Saturday | Sat |
Sunday | Sun |
Exercises - The days of the week
Score: 0
Restart this test-
1) The first day of the week is Monday Tuesday Wednesday .
2) The weekend ends on Monday Friday Saturday .
3) Monday Tuesday Wednesday comes after Tuesday.
4) The second day of the week is Wednesday Tuesday Monday .
5) Monday Friday Saturday is the first day of the work week, and comes after Sunday.
6) Today is Wednesady, tomorrow is Saturday Friday Thursday .
7) Friday Saturday Thursday is the last day of the work week and comes after Thursday.
8) Today is Satruday, yesterday was Saturday Friday Thursday .
9) Thursday Friday Saturday is the first day from the weekend.
10) Tuesday Wednesday Monday is the third day of the work week and comes after Tuesday.