
Present perfect simple

Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and exercises.

Present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going on or that stopped recently, but has an influence on the present. It puts emphasis on the result.


Positive: Subject + have / has + verb (past participle)
Negative: Subject + have / has + not + verb (past participle)
Interrogative: Have / Has + subject + verb (past participle)
Keywords: just, ever, never, always, already, yet, for, since

Exercises - Present perfect simple

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  • 1) They saw have seen him this week.

  • 2) The children wrote have written a few lines already.

  • 3) Have Has you already done your homework?

  • 4) My brother has lived lived in New York for 10 years.

  • 5) We have known knew her for five years.

  • 6) I didn't read haven't read the book yet.

  • 7) My brother has been went to Mexico two times.

  • 8) We hasn't visited haven't visited this city yet.

  • 9) I lost have lost my keys.

  • 10) He just finished has just finished his dinner.