The miser and the monkey
There was once a very rich man, but extremely miser. The man was so greedy that he never shared anything with anybody, no way could he ever give something to the poor, or do a good deed. The man had a monkey that he wanted to sell at a higher price than he paid for her.
One day the man left home to do some business, while the monkey remained alone at home. While looking through the house it found a chest and opened it, curious to see what's inside. The chest was full of gold coins. Seeing these coins, the monkey started throwing them out the window.
The people passing in the street saw so much wealth falling from the skies, that they began gathering the gold that the monkey was throwing through the window.
When the man returned he found the chest empty. He realized what has happened, but out of envy he could not react. With sorrow in his voice he said: "I hate this stupid animal!", but it was of no use, as the animal could not understand him.
His neighbour saw the whole scene and told him: "You better shut up! For sure it's a pity to throw money out the window, like your monkey did earlier, but it's even worse to keep all that money locked in a chest, and not use them for anything".
The miser man saves up money, but never uses them. The bees work hard, but they enjoy the honey.
Exercises - The miser and the monkey
What did the rich man have?
Why did the man leave the home?
Who reamined alone in the house?
What did the monkey find?
Who saw the whole scene?