
The relatives

Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and exercises.

The relative clause is a part of a sentence that cannot exist independently and describes a noun that comes before it in the main part of the sentence.
who / that refer to people
They caught the man who / that spied for Portugal.
which / that refer to objects
whose refers to possession
when refers to a moment in time
Christmas Day is a day when people are happy.
where refers to a particular place
We visited the house where our father was born.

Exercises - The relatives

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  • 1) Ann what whose who is very smart, did the puzzle in five minutes.

  • 2) That's autumn when which who it rained every day.

  • 3) Can you tell me the reason why what whose he left the city?

  • 4) The clock which who whom I bought yesterday does not work.

  • 5) That's the hotel whose where who you stayed.

  • 6) That's the boy who what whose brother was a teacher.

  • 7) A painter is the person where who whose paints pictures.

  • 8) My mother, whose why what name is Kate, is an English teacher.

  • 9) I went to Greece whose where who I had a nice time.

  • 10) Here's the bag whom which who you let on my desk yesterday.

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